Travel to School

Walking to School

We are excited to be participating in the Living Streets WOW Challenge. We are encouraging children in all year groups to walk to school three times a week to earn exclusive badges each month! Not only will this help children’s physical fitness, it will also have an impact on their mental wellbeing and readiness to learn. We can’t wait to see the children getting involved.
Walk to School Letter – Click Here


Cycling to School

As a Healthy School we recognise the many positive benefits of not travelling to school by car. We support pupils and their parents who wish to cycle to school together as it:

  • Improves health through physical activity.
  • Establishes positive active travel habits.
  • Promotes independence and improves safety awareness.
  • Reduces congestion, noise and pollution in the community.
  • Reduces the environmental impact of the journey to school.

If you and your children would like to cycle to school please collect a form from the school office. When the form has been returned, we will issue you with a permit for your child’s bike or bikes. If you decide to stop cycling to school with your child/ren, please return your permit to the office so that it can be reissued to another family. Parents are advised to take out appropriate insurance cover as the school’s insurance does not cover loss or damage to bicycle

Please complete the attached form and return to the office to apply for a bike permit. If the permit is for an independent cyclist, please attach the child’s road cycling training certificate.

Download Bike Permit Form

Cycle Safety

We would advise that all cyclists wear a correctly fitted cycle helmet and use appropriate reflective clothing and bike lights when visibility is poor.

Bike Safety can also be learnt here at Bikeability.

Car Parking

Our School Car Park is now closed to all except for Staff, Visitors who have been booked in to visit with us and Parents/Carers who have been given a Bearwood School Parking Permit, this is to enable a safe environment for the children when entering and exiting our school grounds.

Please ensure that if parking on the neighbouring roads that you do so with care to enable home owners to use their drives safely.

We would actively encourage you to walk to school where possible.

Car Parking Communication

Traffic Letter to Local Residents February 2024